Life on Planet A

#58: Why we should all love Seaweed with Dr Alex Campbell

Heidi and Bella Season 3 Episode 57

For our final week of climate change Heidi and Bella take a dive underwater with Dr Alex Campbell to see whether there’s a blue solution to the climate crisis and... there is!  Seaweed and seagrass could be an unlikely hero in the battle against climatic change and not just because of carbon storage;  this slimy macroalgae is used in food, make-up, plastic-alternatives and so much more.  Through the work of research centres such as the USC Seaweed Research Group, we’ve found countless applications for seaweeds!  What you’ll learn this ep:

  • Seaweed is VERY cool
  • How seaweed and seagrass differ and why this is important for storing carbon
  • What is Crayweed? Why did it entirely disappear from the Sydney’s East Coast? And what is being done to bring it back (cue Operation Crayweed)?
  • Over the last century the UK has lost 92% of it’s seagrass cover and this continues to decline by 7% every year!
  • Which other countries are implementing restoration projects? Hint: check out the WWF Seagrass Restoration Project, a plan that aims to restore seagrasses to the shores of the UK.


Thanks again for joining us Alex! 


Useful links:

Operation Crayweed -

USC Seaweed Research Group -

People can also find links to all my socials on my own personal webpage -

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